Does Boosting Posts on Instagram Work? You Better Run Ads

Oct 14, 2024
Oct 14, 2024
8 min
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Does Boosting Posts on Instagram Work

Discover if boosting posts on Instagram really works. Learn the pros and cons of boosting vs. running Instagram ads and how to maximize your online impact.

If you've ever posted on Instagram and felt your content wasn't reaching enough people, you might have considered tapping that little blue ‘Boost Post’ button. But does boosting posts on Instagram work? Is it worth the investment, or are there more fruitful ways to expand your reach and grow your Instagram audience? 

Oprah - You all get a boost meme

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of boosting posts on Instagram, you’ll need to create an Instagram business account if you haven’t already done so. A business account unlocks key features like boosting posts and Instagram Insights.


Okay, now let’s find out if boosting posts on Instagram really works for you. 

What happens if you boost a post on Instagram?

Boosting a post on Instagram is essentially paying to increase the visibility of your existing content. When you boost a post, you're turning it into a form of advertising that appears in the feeds of users who don't already follow you.

Here's what happens when you boost an Instagram post:

1. Increased reach: Your post will reach a wider audience beyond your followers.

2. Targeted visibility: You can choose specific demographics, interests, or locations for your boosted post to target.

3. Engagement opportunities: More people seeing your post could increase likes, comments, and shares.

4. ‘Sponsored’ label: Your boosted post will be marked as ‘Sponsored’ content in users' feeds.

🛎️ While boosting can undoubtedly increase your post's visibility, it's important to understand that it's a simplified form of advertising with limitations compared to full-fledged Instagram ads.

How to boost posts on Instagram

If you're curious about trying out the boost feature, here's a quick step-by-step guide on how to boost posts on Instagram:

1. Open the Instagram app and go to your profile.

2. Select the post you want to boost and tap the ‘Boost Post’ button below the post's image or video.

4. Choose your goal (more profile visits, website visits, or messages) and tap ‘Next’ when done.

5. Select your target audience. If the Instagram post you want to boost involves finances, employment, career, real estate, or similar topics, choose the ‘Special Ad Category’ option. You can target an automatically generated audience or create your custom target audience.

IG boost - Choose special ad category and automatic audience

You'll need to name the group and select the locations, interests, age, and gender of your custom audience. Tap ‘Next’ when you’re done.

Instagram boost post - create custom audience

6. Set your budget and duration for the boost. Instagram suggests a minimum budget of $5 and a duration of at least 6 days for your campaign. Afterward, click ‘Next.’

Instagram boost post - budget and duration

7. Now, review your boost settings and tap ‘Create Boost’ to launch your campaign.

As you can see, boosting on Instagram is a straightforward process - part of its appeal for many users. However, this simplicity comes with trade-offs in customization and optimization capabilities. 

Does boosting a post on Instagram get you followers?

Now, let's address the burning question: does boosting a post on Instagram actually help you get Instagram followers, drive sales, or increase likes? The short answer is: not necessarily, and undoubtedly not as effectively as you might hope.

While boosting a post can increase your visibility and potentially lead to new followers, likes, or sales, it's not the most efficient or targeted way to grow your Instagram presence. Here's why:

  • Lack of targeting precision - The targeting options for boosted posts are limited compared to full Instagram ad campaigns, making it harder to reach the right audience.
  • No direct call to action for following - Boosted posts don't include a specific ‘Follow’ call to action, unlike some types of Instagram ads designed for follower growth.
  • Engagement doesn't equal followers - While you might see an increase in likes or comments, these don't automatically translate to new, long-term followers.
  • Short-term strategy - Boosting is often a one-off tactic rather than part of a comprehensive, long-term growth strategy.
  • Limited optimization for sales - If your goal is to drive sales, boosted posts offer fewer optimization options than full ad campaigns, including those that leverage features like Instagram Shop.

It's important to note that while Meta (the parent company of Instagram) provides the boosting feature as an easy entry point to advertising, it's not the most powerful tool in their arsenal for businesses looking to grow their presence on the platform.

Boosting posts on Instagram vs. Instagram ads

To truly understand the limitations of boosting, let's compare it to running full-fledged Instagram ad campaigns:

1. Targeting options

  • Boosted posts - Limited targeting based on interests, age, and location. For instance, you might target users aged 18-34 interested in travel, but you won't have much granularity beyond that.
  • Instagram ads - Advanced targeting options, including custom audiences and lookalike audiences. Custom audiences allow advertisers to reach users who interact with their brand through website visits or app usage. Lookalike audiences enable you to find new customers who share similar characteristics and behaviors with your existing audience, expanding reach effectively. 

2. Ad formats

3. Placement

  • Boosted posts - Appear only in the main feed.
  • Instagram ads - Can appear in feeds, Instagram Stories, the Explore page, and more. The versatility allows you to reach potential customers wherever they are, maximizing your brand's visibility. 

4. Objectives

  • Boosted posts - Limited to profile visits, website clicks, or messages.
  • Instagram ads - Numerous objectives, including brand awareness, traffic, engagement, app promotion, and conversions. This flexibility allows businesses to align their advertising efforts with broader marketing goals, such as driving sales, fostering customer loyalty, or increasing market share. 

5. Analytics and optimization

  • Boosted posts - Basic performance metrics, such as likes, comments, and shares, provide a surface-level understanding of engagement but lack deeper insights.
  • Instagram ads - In-depth analytics and the ability to optimize campaigns in real time, including tracking key metrics such as impressions on Instagram, click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, reach, and engagement rates. This comprehensive data allows advertisers to make informed decisions and fine-tune their strategies for maximum ROI.

6. Cost efficiency

  • Boosted posts - Often less cost-effective due to limited optimization. On average, a boosted post on Instagram will cost you between $0.50 and $1.00 per click. However, in highly competitive niches, the cost can exceed $3.00 per click for a boost. Plus, Meta announced earlier this year that it would impose a 30% fee for advertisers looking to boost their posts on Facebook and Instagram through the iOS apps.
  • Instagram ads - Generally more cost-effective when adequately optimized. The cost per click (CPC) for Instagram ads typically ranges from $0.40 to $0.70. The CPC can vary between $0.50 and $0.951 for ads with a destination URL.

7. Integration with broader strategies

  • Boosted posts - A standalone tactic often used for quick wins or to amplify the reach of a single post. However, they may not align with other marketing efforts or campaigns.
  • Instagram ads - Can be part of a comprehensive social media advertising strategy, allowing you to integrate messaging across multiple platforms and formats. 

Given these differences, it's clear that for businesses serious about growing their Instagram presence and achieving specific marketing objectives, running Instagram ads is the more powerful and flexible option. For a more comprehensive approach to digital advertising, you might also want to explore Facebook advertising and learn how to use Facebook Ads Manager.

running Instagram ads is the more powerful and flexible option for businesses serious about growing their Instagram presence and achieving specific marketing objectivesTo take your Instagram advertising to the next level, use Madgicx, the super app for Instagram ads. Madgicx has a couple of workflows, including:

#1 The Creative Workflow includes the Ad Library, an endless source of ad inspiration. It also features the AI Ad Generator, which allows you to create new ads based on images and written briefs. If you want to make your ads even more beautiful, send them to your designer or our digital artists, who will polish them in 48 hours. This is especially useful when creating ads in various Instagram post sizes.

Madgicx AI Ad Generator

#2 The AI Marketer utilizes predictive analytics to tell you what to do next to maximize your ad results and even helps you launch your first campaign. It provides actionable recommendations, and you can implement them instantly with just a click of the ‘Launch’ button. This tool simplifies the entire process by analyzing data and optimizing your campaigns in real time, ensuring that you're always making the most of your ad budget with minimal effort.

Madgicx Ai Marketer

With these tools, you can create lucrative, data-driven Instagram ad campaigns that far outperform simple boosted posts. 

Try Madgicx for FREE and see the difference for yourself.

Conclusion: Is boosting a post on Instagram worth it?

Boosting a post on Instagram might give you a quick visibility bump, but it's not the most effective long-term play if you aim for serious growth and engagement. Sure, it’s easy, but for businesses who want to maximize their Instagram game, putting effort into a full-blown ad campaign will get you better results. 

Think of boosting like a band-aid—it works for a quick fix, but if you're looking to actually move the needle, investing in proper Instagram ads is where the magic happens 💰 That said, boosting can have its place in certain situations:

  1. Testing content: Boosting is a quick way to see how different types of Instagram content land with your audience.
  2. Short-term promotions: Got a limited-time offer or event? Boosting can help get the word out fast.
  3. Supplementing organic reach: If you’ve got a post that’s already doing well organically, giving it a little boost can push it even further.

Ultimately, the key to success on Instagram lies in a balanced approach that combines organic content strategies with targeted, well-optimized advertising campaigns. By introducing advanced tools and platforms like Madgicx, you can create Instagram ads that reach a wider audience and the right people while driving meaningful engagement and conversions.

Remember, social media success doesn't come from a single tactic but from a comprehensive strategy that evolves with your audience and business goals. So, while boosting might seem tempting for its simplicity, don't let it distract you from the more powerful advertising tools at your disposal.

FAQs - boosting posts on Instagram

Let’s unpack some of the most common questions about boosting posts on Instagram:

Is boosting posts on Instagram free?

No, boosting posts on Instagram is not free. It's a paid feature that allows you to turn your organic posts into ads for a fee.

How much does it cost to boost a post on Instagram?

The cost of boosting a post on Instagram varies depending on your budget, duration, and targeting. You can start with as little as $1 per day. Meta does, however, recommend a minimum budget of $5 and a duration of at least 6 days for your campaign. 

Do people know if you boost your Instagram post?

Yes, boosted posts are marked as ‘Sponsored’ content in users' feeds, so people will know that it's a promoted post.

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Get the most comprehensive guide to building the exact workflow we use to drive kickass ROAS for our customers.
Create winning Instagram ads with AI

Ready for better Instagram ads with AI? Madgicx's Creative Workflow has you covered—from finding inspiration in our vast Ad Library to generating new ad ideas with the AI Ad Generator. And if you want a little extra polish, our digital artists will refine your ads and deliver them within 48 hours.

Oct 14, 2024
Oct 14, 2024
Annette Nyembe

Digital copywriter with a passion for sculpting words that resonate in a digital age.

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