Case Studies

We’ve helped 100,000+ businesses from all over the world succeed with Facebook & Google Advertising. Yours can be next.

Guess using Madgicx to autonomously manage and optimize Facebook & Google ads.LIOJO using Madgicx to autonomously manage and optimize Facebook & Google ads.

See how we disrupt the world of Online Advertising

“Graphically, the way that Madgicx explains the data, everyone on the team, even if they’re novice users, understands what’s working. Then you just need to build that out, pump it back into the Facebook ad account, and let it rock.”

"We were able to quickly define which audiences, copy, and media content were the most effective at reaching our target audience in a ridiculously short period of time."

“Madgicx’s platform just makes it seamless and easy to navigate and identify your top-performing creatives and ad copies.”

Coming from AdEspresso (which costs far more for far less), I was shocked to learn more and more about what this suite has to offer from insanely detailed audience analysis, ad recommendations, AI bidding & recommendations-- it's seriously just GOOD.


If you’re not sure how to manage your ads, there’s always personal help that can assist you with that. The user interface is very user-friendly, and the AI Marketer is one of the best things ever created. Once you try Madgicx, you will stay.

Tahyisha Taylor
Tahyisha Taylor, Owner, Tahylor Made

I used to take screenshots or try to download ads from the Meta ad library, but it was often a mess. I invested a lot of work and frequently ended up forgetting about it or not using it, or I'd forget to share it with designers. What I love most now is having my ads organized in words. The best part is being able to send briefs to the Madgicx designers in literally 5 seconds, and they return them in 1-2 days. I can honestly say I've never launched ads this quickly before. I'm already seeing the impact on my performance as I've gotten back into the routine of launching ads every week and doing enough testing. My Meta ads are more stable now, and I'm experiencing less ad fatigue and fewer sudden drops in performance.

Business Owner