10 Brilliant Ideas for Your First Instagram Post for Business

Sep 24, 2024
Sep 24, 2024
11 min
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First Instagram post for business

Looking to make an impact on Instagram? Create your first Instagram post for business with our helpful tips. Check out our blog!

You’ve just launched your business, and you’re eager to create an online presence on Instagram. The excitement is at its peak, but where do you begin?

Your first Instagram post is your chance to introduce your brand to the right target audience and set the stage for future content. It’s your opportunity to capture attention and make a memorable first impression.

However, some people might find Instagram marketing overwhelming, especially when staring at that empty profile for the first time. So, to help you out, we'll explore brilliant ideas for your first Instagram post, giving you inspiration and practical tips to kick off your business page with style. Read along!

What to do before sharing the first post on Instagram

Before posting on Instagram, you must make sure your account is set up for success. Why? Your Instagram presence is like your storefront—it’s the first thing potential customers see and needs to be on point. Here’s how you can nail it before your first post goes live:

Set up an Instagram business account

Before anything else, switch your profile to a business account. This will help you access features such as analytics, the ability to add contact info, and even Instagram shopping. You’ll see insights on who’s visiting your page, what posts are performing well, and how your audience engages with your content—all necessary for improving your Instagram strategy over time.

How to switch:

Go to your Instagram settings, scroll down, and choose “Switch to Business Profile.” If you're creating a new account, Instagram will immediately prompt you to set it up as a business account.

Switch to business account

With a business profile, you also get the option to link directly to your website or product page. This is a great way to drive traffic to your store, so don’t skip it. Whether you’re selling niche products like eco-friendly home goods or high-end fashion, having a direct link in your profile is necessary.

Write a detailed bio

Your bio is one of the first things potential customers see. Therefore, it should clearly state who you are, what you offer, and how your products can benefit them. You’ve got 150 characters—make every one of them count! Some key factors that you should include are:

  • Unique selling point (USP): If you sell handmade jewelry, mention the craftsmanship or materials that set your products apart.
  • Call to action (CTA): Drive traffic by inviting visitors to “Shop now” or “Check out the latest deals.” A clear CTA can prompt action right from the start.
  • Location: If you’re a local business, include your location. This can boost your visibility to local customers.


“Eco-friendly candles handcrafted for your space 🕯️ | Free shipping on orders over $50 | Shop our collection below 👇”

This short but effective bio tells visitors what your business offers and includes a CTA, giving them a reason to take the next step.

Additionally, if you want to add an extra layer of credibility, you can even get your business verified on Instagram to get that blue tick. Here's how:

  • Click on the three dots at the top of your profile. 
get your business verified on Instagram
  • Scroll down and click on "Meta Verified" to start the process.

Create a content plan beyond the first post

Instagram is all about visuals; for an ecommerce brand, this means crafting a feed that aligns with your brand image. Think of your Instagram profile as a curated gallery showcasing your products. A few tips that you can follow are:

  • Visual consistency: Stick to a specific color palette or aesthetic that reflects your brand. For example, Tala, an ecommerce store focusing on women’s athletic wear, uses images that mirror the sporty aesthetic vibe.
Visual consistency - Tala
  • Content mix: Mix product shots with customer testimonials, behind-the-scenes images, and user-generated content. This helps you keep your feed engaging and varied. For example, Recess–a brand sharing healthcare drinks, uses a mix of posts, carousels, and reels to engage its followers.
Content mix - Recess
Bonus tip: Use visual planning tools to drag and drop images to see how they’ll look on your grid, ensuring your feed flows well. This can be especially helpful if you plan to launch a new collection or seasonal products.

10 inspiring first post ideas for business on Instagram

Your first post sets the tone for your brand and helps build a connection with your audience. Whether you're looking to educate, inspire, or sell, here are some powerful ideas to get your business started on the right foot:

1. Introduce your brand

Your first Instagram post is a chance to make a memorable introduction. Use this opportunity to share a warm welcome message that captures your brand’s mission and core values.

How you can do it:

  • Craft a compelling caption that outlines your brand's mission, values, and what sets you apart.
  • Design a visually appealing post featuring your logo or storefront, using consistent brand colors and fonts.
  • Include a call to action (CTA) encouraging followers to stay tuned for more updates.
  • Use Instagram Stories to share your first post – since you'll likely have few followers at this stage, Stories can help grab the attention of the followers who missed your feedback post.
  • Add relevant hashtags to increase visibility and get more followers interested in your niche.

For instance, Maebe—an ecommerce fashion brand—used Instagram reels to share their brand’s creative process.

2. Meet the team behind [your company]

Introduce your team to create a personal connection with your audience. Sharing engaging photos or bios of your team members helps humanize your brand and showcase the people behind the scenes.

How you can do it:

  • Share individual photos of your team members with their names and roles.
  • Write short bios highlighting each person’s role and what they bring to the team.
  • Ask your team members to leave comments on the post, share it on their personal profiles, and respond to comments from followers.

Here’s how Me&B, an ecommerce fashion brand, did this:

Idea 2 for first Instagram post for business - Meet the team

3. Trending Reel for introducing the brand

A trending reel is an excellent way to announce your arrival on Instagram in a fun and engaging format. By tapping into popular trends and sounds, you can capture attention quickly while staying relevant. Plus, it gives you visibility from day one, thanks to Instagram’s algorithm, which favors reels using trending music or formats.

How you can do it:

  • Choose a trending song or audio clip that aligns with your brand tone (you can search for popular tracks under Instagram's "Reels" tab).
  • Use visuals that highlight your brand—like shots of your workspace, team, or products.
  • Use quick transitions to introduce different aspects of your brand, like your products, services, or even your workspace.
  • Keep it under 15 seconds to maintain audience engagement, but ensure it’s packed with enough information to generate curiosity.
  • Add clear text overlays to explain who you are and why people should follow your brand.

Here's how Terry's Cafe London, a British Cafe for all-day breakfast and lunch, used the trending song 'Always Evolving Austin' in their Instagram reel to launch their new Terry’s Chinaware product.

4. Start with an on-brand product launch 

Kicking off your Instagram presence with a product launch post is a strong way to build momentum and excitement. This approach allows you to showcase a key offering from your brand while aligning with your unique visual identity and tone. 

How you can do it:

  • Show your product in action or highlight its unique features in a way that aligns with your brand aesthetic.
  • Introduce the product and use engaging language that reflects your brand voice. Be specific about what makes this launch special.
  • Use countdowns, limited-time offers, or exclusive pre-order deals to create excitement and urgency.
  • Launch your product with a dedicated hashtag to create a community buzz around it.

Here’s how Warby Parker, a brand dealing in eyeglasses, used trending and quirky reels to introduce its new collection, along with a caption: "Steal a glance at our new collection dropping tomorrow 🤩." 

5. Call out your community with a quirky post

Build a community around shared interests. Use your first post to invite like-minded people to join your journey. For instance, if you're a skincare brand, you can call out those obsessed with skincare routines. Or, if you're a fashion brand, attract fashion enthusiasts with a playful nod to the latest trends. 

How you can do it:

  • Create visuals that will immediately resonate with your audience’s style and preferences, whether it's bold, minimalistic, or playful.
  • Add hashtags that tap into your niche, making it easier for your ideal audience to find you.
  • Tailor your caption to match your audience’s tone and attitude. Whether they're young and playful or more luxury-focused, make sure your words connect with them.

For example, NUSH, a beauty cosmetic & personal care brand, posts content with the caption ‘pov: you’re obsessed with lip products’ to engage with their community.

6. Build anticipation with a teaser post

For your first Instagram post, create a buzz with a teaser video that leaves your audience curious and excited. A well-edited, fast-paced teaser video can effectively showcase your brand’s vibe and hint at something big coming soon. 

How you can do it:

  • Instead of a static image or close-up, focus on an engaging, short video that includes quick cuts, dramatic angles, and glimpses of your product or service.
  • Choose music that aligns with your brand’s tone—upbeat, mysterious, or luxurious—to amplify the impact of the video.
  • Use a caption that hints something exciting is coming up, and encourage viewers to engage with your post in return for a chance to win a gift from you. 
  • Keep the text minimal yet impactful to build suspense without revealing too much. 

Hairtamin, a female-focused haircare and skincare brand—used this strategy very well. They shared a teaser video without revealing anything about the product and added a caption that said,

"Something dreamy is on the horizon. Comment your predictions below for a chance to be added to our VIP PR list".

This will encourage viewers to engage by leaving comments and guessing. Consequently, your reach will increase. 

To get even more eyes on your launch, you can also mention that "For an extra entry to win the gift, make sure to tag a friend of yours below." 

7. Leverage the green screen effect

Use Instagram’s green screen effect to create an engaging introduction to your brand. This feature allows you to superimpose yourself over various backgrounds, showcasing different aspects of your business.

How you can do it:

  • Create a Reel using the green screen effect to introduce your brand, products, or anything else related to your brand, such as your office space, team, or brand story. 
  • Include brief explanations or key points about that. 
  • Engage viewers by using dynamic visuals and a friendly tone.

Fashivly, a personal styling brand, has mastered the use of Instagram's green screen feature. They creatively place themselves in front of product images, showcasing items they’ve sourced from other brands. Another thing you can learn from this example is how the founder introduces the brand, starting with a problem-driven scenario that they solve for their target audience.

8. Share a trending meme related to your niche

Posting a meme related to your niche can help your brand connect with your audience on a personal level. These pop-culture references are a fun way to engage and entertain while staying relevant.

How you can do it:

  • Find or create a meme that resonates with your brand’s niche or audience.
  • Add a caption that incorporates your brand’s voice or message.
  • Ensure the meme is relevant and not just a random trend; it should connect with your audience’s interests.
  • Include your brand name or a subtle logo in the post to build recognition.
  • Monitor engagement and use feedback to refine your meme strategy.

Here’s how Tala, a women’s athletic wear brand, aced this strategy too: 

Idea 8 for first Instagram post for business - Share a trending meme

9. Share a post if you launched a physical store or new branch

If you've recently opened a physical store and you're planning to launch your Instagram account at the same time as well, you've got your first post idea!

Announcing it on Instagram is a great way to attract attention and get more eyeballs. It is likely that your first post might not get much reach (unless it goes viral), so make sure to post consistently to attract as many people as you can, not just to your online store but also to your offline store launch.

How you can do it:

  • Post images or videos of the new store’s interior, décor, and layout to give followers a preview of what to expect.
  • Mention any special events, promotions, or giveaways that coincide with the store opening.
  • Add a CTA inviting local followers to visit and tag you in their posts for a chance to be featured.
  • Include the full address and any nearby landmarks to make it easy for followers to find you.

Take inspiration from Rothy's, a brand selling sustainable shoes & bags, successfully implemented this strategy to announce the launch of its store.

10. Founder-led brand vision and mission

A post from the founder sharing the brand’s vision and mission adds a personal touch and builds a deeper connection with your audience. It helps followers understand your brand’s core values, where it’s headed, and the story behind it. 

How you can do it:

  • Record a founder-led video sharing their inspiration for starting the brand and what the vision and mission are.
  • Highlight how the brand’s mission aligns with current consumer values, such as sustainability, community impact, or ethical sourcing.
  • Include personal stories or challenges the founder faced during the brand’s creation to make it relatable.

Happy Tails Hampers, a UK-based small business dealing in dog enrichment, natural treats, & hampers, made an Instagram post sharing their founder’s story:

Idea 10 for first Instagram post for business - Founder led brand vision

Idea 10 - Founder led brand vision

Wrapping up

Remember, you don’t need to have a perfect post to get started. It’s easy to get caught up in the details, but the most important thing is to post consistently. Focus on clarity and try to be as authentic as you can. Your first post could introduce your brand, showcase your best-selling product, or call out like-minded people with the same choice.

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Sep 24, 2024
Sep 24, 2024
Pia Mikhael

Pia Mikhael is the founder of Saasy Media, a content agency for B2B SaaS. With a strong background in media buying and digital marketing, Pia brings industry expertise to Saasy Media, delivering content tailored towards top founders and operators.

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