Journey into the Wonders of Meta Business Manager ✨

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Oct 20, 2021
Nov 15, 2023
13 mins
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Meta (Facebook) Business Manager

Everything you need to know about how to set up Meta Business Manager to effectively manage your Meta assets like Facebook Pages, ad accounts, and Pixels.

Managing your online presence efficiently and effectively is paramount nowadays. For businesses, navigating the intricacies of Facebook advertising, content management, and data analysis can be a daunting task. However, with the right tools at your side, this journey becomes significantly more manageable. 

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the Meta Business Manager (formerly Facebook Business Manager), a powerful platform designed to streamline your business's advertising needs. We'll delve into what it is, how to set it up, and how to harness its capabilities to supercharge your online presence.

If you still need to set up a new Meta Ad Account, we have a handy guide to help you. Now, let's embark on our journey to unravel the wonders of Meta Business Manager. 

What is Meta Business Manager (formerly Facebook Business Manager)?

Meta Business Manager is an extensive platform designed to help businesses manage their online presence across Meta's family of apps and services. This tool allows you to manage multiple assets, such as ad accounts, Facebook Pages, Instagram accounts, and the Meta Pixel, all in one centralized location.

Unlike personal Facebook accounts, Meta Business Manager offers enhanced control, collaboration, and organization for businesses and marketing professionals

Facebook Business Manager works in a way that preserves the privacy of the people who manage the various aspects of the accounts. In other words, it also acts as a buffer should anything go wrong with the business assets - it means your personal Facebook profile won’t risk being disabled if your business ad account is restricted from advertising. It allows some professional distance between your personal and business accounts.

Does Meta Business Manager cost money?

Nope. The good news is that Meta Business Manager is free to use. There are no subscription fees or upfront costs for creating an account. It's a valuable tool that can help businesses of all sizes streamline their online advertising operations. 

Meta Business Suite vs. Business Manager

Meta offers two tools for businesses to manage their Meta: Meta Business Suite and Meta Business Manager. It’s easy to be confused by these two, so understanding the distinction between these tools is crucial as they serve slightly different purposes.

Meta Business Suite: This is primarily a tool for managing and scheduling content for Facebook and Instagram. Released in 2020, Meta Business Suite is a newer tool focused on content creation, publishing, and community management. In other words, the front-end and client-facing side of the business. Business Suite is available on mobile and desktop.

Meta Business Manager: In contrast, Meta Business Manager is a broader platform that encompasses not only content management but also advertising, data analytics, asset organization, and team collaboration. It is the go-to solution for businesses looking to manage their entire online presence effectively. You can think of it as the back end or management side. Meta Business Manager is only available on desktop.

Hierarchy of Meta accounts including Business Manager Business Suite.

Switch Business Suite back to Business Manager

Are you clicking the Business Manager link but seeing Meta Business Suite? Here’s how to switch from the Business Suite to the Business Manager:

Switch to Meta Business Manager from Meta Business Suite.

Click on the help ‘❓’ icon at the bottom-left corner of your screen. A menu will appear where you must click ‘Go to Business Manager,’ where you’ll be redirected to the Meta Business Manager home page. 

Switch from Meta Business Suite to Meta Business Manager.

Why should you create a Meta Business Manager account?

Firstly, you can’t run a business on Facebook without using it. Without it, you can’t have an ad account or create a Meta Pixel. Plus, it makes your life easier by giving you the tools to take control of your digital assets and manage them actively from one place. Here are a few more compelling reasons:

  • Separate business from personal: With a professional distance between you, you protect your personal profile from being negatively impacted or restricted should a Page you manage violate any policies when advertising - a regular occurrence if you’re in a regulated industry. You can also act as your page without your page activity showing on your personal feed unless you share it.
  • Centralized control: Meta Business Manager offers a centralized platform to manage your business's online assets, including Pages, Instagram accounts, inboxes, ad accounts, and Meta Pixel.
  • Efficient collaboration: It simplifies team collaboration by allowing you to assign roles and permissions to team members according to the assets they work with.
  • Ad campaign management: You can create and manage campaigns across the Meta ecosystem, reaching a vast and diverse audience using Meta Ads Manager.
  • Data insights: The Insights tab lets you view valuable analytics data showing the performance of your Meta activities.

How to set up Meta Business Manager

Now that you know the benefits, let's explore how to set up your Meta Business Manager account.

Step-by-step guide to creating a Business Manager account

  1. Go to the Meta Business Manager
  2. Create your Business Manager account: At the top left of the page, there is a drop-down menu where you can click ‘Create a business account’ to start the setup process. You may only see a ‘Create Business,’ unlike the image below.
Meta Business Manager home screen.
  1. Enter business details: Provide your business name, your name, and your business email. Click "Create." 
Create a Meta business account popup.
  1. Add more details: Fill in the requested information about your business, including your address and industry. Click "Submit."
  2. Add people: You can now invite team members to your Business Manager account by entering their email addresses. Assign roles and permissions as needed according to what they will need access to. You can also set this up later and edit the permissions as you need to. 
Meta Business Manager screen showing how to add people.
  1. Add assets: Next, you can add your business's assets, including Pages, Instagram, WhatsApp, and ad accounts under “Accounts.” Then, add your Pixel (or dataset) under ‘Data sources.’ You can add existing assets to your Business Manager, request access to an existing asset, or create a new Page or account. Meta recommends linking these assets to get the most out of each platform.
Meta (Facebook) Business Manager showing the Pages menu under Accounts.


  • If you want to request access to an existing Page, you’ll need to be an admin for at least 7 days before you can add the page to the Business Manager account. 
  • If that Page is connected to an Instagram business account, you’ll need to add the Instagram account as a separate asset.
  1. Review and confirm: Review the information you've entered, and if everything looks correct, click "Submit."

Your Meta Business Manager account is now set up and ready to use. You can add more assets and then assign people to them.

Guide to adding your assets: Pages, ad accounts, and Pixel

Here we’ll go over how to add the different Meta assets you use to your Facebook Business Manager account so you have a centralized hub to access everything.

Add your Facebook Page to the Business Manager

Before you begin, check you have administrator access to the Facebook Page in question.

  • Go to the Business Manager and click on “Business Settings” with the gear icon on the left-side menu.
Meta Business Manager menu showing the cog icon where you can find Business Settings.
  • On the menu to the left, under “Accounts,” select “Pages.”
How to add a Page to your Meta Business Manager account.
  • Enter the name or URL of the relevant Facebook page to which you have admin rights and click “Add.”
Popup to enter Page URL when adding a Page to Meta Business Manager.s
  • Follow the prompts to add a Page. 
  • Once you add the Page, you can assign roles and permissions to team members who need access (if you’ve already added these team members under People).
Where you assign partners or people to Pages in Meta Business Manager.

Next, a popup will appear where you can select the user and set the permissions.

Add people to Instagram account in Meta Business Manager and set permissions.

Once you’re happy with the permissions, click “Assign.” You should be all set now.

Add your Facebook ad account to the Business Manager

  1. Navigate to Business Settings on the left-hand side panel of the Business Manager.
  2. Click “Ad accounts” under the “Accounts” tab on the menu to the left.
  3. Enter the relevant ad account ID or name and click “Add” to add the ad account.
Meta Business Manager how to add an ad account.


  • You can only add a Facebook ad account that isn’t associated with another Facebook Business Manager. In that case, you’ll need to request access to that ad account.
  • Every business entity can only have one ad account. 
  • You can manage up to 25 ad accounts. Switching between brands is easy - they will appear as a list by ad account name.

Add your Instagram account to the Facebook Business Manager

Here are the steps to add an Instagram account to your Meta Business Manager.

  1. Navigate to Business Settings on the left-hand side panel.
  2. Click on “Instagram accounts” under the “Accounts” tab.
  3. Next, click the “Add” button highlighted in the image below.
Add an Instagram Ad Account to Meta Business Manager.
  1. A popup will appear with more details. Click the blue ‘Connect Your Instagram Account’ button.
Connect your Instagram account popup in Facebook Business Manager.
  1. Then, you’ll be prompted to enter your Instagram business account login details.
  2. Next, select the Pages and ad accounts you wish to add and click “Finish.”
Connect additional assets to your Instagram account when adding it to Facebook Business Manager.
  1. Once you have added your Instagram account, you can assign roles to others and limit their access. Come back to “Business Settings” anytime to edit these.
Add people to your Instagram account in Meta Business Manager.

You can add one Instagram business account to a Facebook Business Manager account. Also, if the Instagram business account is connected to a Facebook Page, you will have to transfer that Page too.

Connect your Meta Pixel to the Business Manager

Before you begin, you should create a Meta Pixel or Dataset. We’re not going to go into the ins and outs of what the Meta Pixel is or how it works in this article - you can find this in our comprehensive guide about the Meta Pixel.

You can add or create your Meta Pixel by going to “Datasets” under “Data Sources” in the menu on the left. 

Find your Meta Pixel in Datasets under Data sources in Facebook Business Manager.

You can enter the name, business, or Pixel ID of the one you’re trying to add in the field highlighted at the top and click “Add.” Then, once it’s added, you can grant access to people, assign partners, and add more assets in the highlighted section on the right.

Set user permissions in Business Manager

Defining user permissions has improved in Meta Business Manager. When assigning permissions to a new user, use the toggles to define what they can and can’t access. Doing it this way allows for more flexibility in permission choices according to each person’s responsibilities and needs.

Assign people and permissions in Meta Business Manager for each asset.

To manage your team effectively within Meta Business Manager, you can assign different roles and permissions for each asset. 

Understand the Meta Business Manager interface

Navigating the Meta Business Manager interface is essential to make the most of the platform. Let's break down the key aspects:

Navigate the Business Manager dashboard

The dashboard is your home base in Meta Business Manager. It provides an overview of your business's activities and access to various features and tools. Furthermore, it’s the place where you should be able to do just about anything related to your Meta portfolio of assets.

Meta (Facebook) Business Manager interface.
  1. In box 1, these three lines open up the full menu of tools you have access to within Meta Business Manager. 
Menu showing all Meta Business Manager tools.
Meta Business Manager menu showing the full list of tools available.
  1. Box 2 shows you the left-hand side menu with the different sections listed; ‘Ads Manager,’ ‘Audiences,’ ‘Ads reporting,’ ‘Ad account settings,’ and ‘Events Manager.’ We’ll come back to these a little later.
  2. Box 3 at the bottom-left side of the screen contains the ❓ icon, which brings up the help menu, the ⚙️ icon, which takes you to ‘Business Settings,’ your Business Manager notifications 🔔, the search 🔎 button, and then the button to expand or collapse the menu.
  3. In box 4, you’ll see a personalized overview of your business assets along with any notifications or alerts and new products or features.

Understand the different sections in Business Manager

If you look at the menu on the left-hand side, you’ll see these menu items.

Highlighted sections of the Meta Business Manager.

Ads Manager

Access and manage your ad account. If you click it, you’ll see the below screen if you’ve created a brand new ad account during this process. This is where you create all of your new Meta ads across all platforms, manage your ads from day to day, and find the insights data showing your performance across campaigns, ad sets, and ads. Read our essential guide for the Meta Ads Manager for all the details of this tool. 

Meta Campaigns screen where you create ads.


Below is what you’ll see when you click on ‘Audiences.’ Here you can create and manage the audiences you target in your ads. You can create ‘Custom,’ ‘Lookalike,’ and ‘Saved’ audiences. Custom audiences let Meta find users based on customer lists, website or app events, or engagement across Meta’s platforms. Then, Lookalike audiences let Meta’s algorithm find potential prospects by matching shared characteristics to your existing customers. Lastly, a saved audience is simply an audience that you’ve created and saved with the intention of using again. 

Audience page in Meta Business Manager.

Ads reporting 

If you click on ‘Ads reporting,’ you’ll end up at the below screen where you can create and view your reports. Name your custom report at the top of the screen and select the breakdowns and metrics you want to include on the right-hand side of the screen. 

Reports page in Meta Business Manager with the metrics and breakdowns that you can add highlighted.

Ad account settings

You’ll see an overview of the different settings you can adjust here; ad account setup, Pages, payment settings, notification settings, and name templates. You’ll also see shortcuts to your account controls, user roles, Advantage+ shopping campaigns, and where you can set your ‘Default beneficiary and payer,’ which is crucial to running ads in the EU.

Ad account settings page in Meta Business Manager.

Events Manager

The website and app events that your Meta Pixel tracks are managed in this section. By configuring these events, you can track certain user behavior on your website or other landing pages. If you see this screen, click on ‘Connect Data’ to begin the setup process to connect your Meta Pixel or Dataset.

Events Manager overview page in Meta Business Manager.

Overview of tools and reports

Meta Business Manager offers a wide array of tools and reports to enhance your online presence. The tools are categorized by ‘Manage business,’ ‘Protect rights,’ ‘Advertise,’ ‘Analyse and report,’ ‘Engage posts,’ and ‘Sell products and services.’ These sections let you access all the areas where you have control over how your brand is set up on Meta.

Menu of business tools in Meta Business Manager.
Bottom list of business tools n the Meta Business Manager.

Let’s zoom in on the options under ‘Analyse and report.’

Menu options in the Analyse and report section of the Meta Business Manager.

As you can see, there are a number of different sections within the reporting section for you to analyze your account performance in different areas; ‘Ads reporting,’ ‘Audience Insights,’ ‘Creative reporting,’ ‘Experiments,’ ‘Insights,’ ‘Meta Brand Collabs Manager,’ and ‘Traffic analysis report.’ These reports are customizable, and you can create as many as you wish. 

Create your first campaign in Meta Business Manager

Meta makes it easy to get started with advertising with numerous ways to create your first campaign. Launching your first campaign in Meta Business Manager is an exciting step. Here's a super simplified overview:

Create a campaign from the ‘Accounts Overview’ tab

On the Accounts Overview page, find the green ‘+ Create’ button in order to bring up the campaign setup popup. If there are steps you still have to complete to get your account ready to advertise, you should do these first by clicking on the blue ‘Continue >’ button.

Account overview page in Meta Business Manager with buttons highlighted.

Create a campaign from the ‘Campaigns’ tab

If you’re on the ‘Campaigns’ page, you can simply click on the green ‘+ Create’ button on the Campaigns tab to create your new campaign.

Campaigns tab in the Meta Business Manager with the "Create" button highlighted.

The next screen that appears asks you if you would like to use the recommended settings for your objective or manually set them. Make your selection and click ‘Continue.’

Choose campaign setup screen during ad creation in Campaigns.

From here, you can follow this guide to launching your first campaign. Next, you will be prompted to set your objectives, define your audience, choose your creative, and launch!


By exploring the various capabilities of Meta Business Manager, you can better reach the potential of your online business and connect with your target audience more effectively than ever before. 

The key to success lies in understanding the interface, managing assets efficiently, and utilizing the available insights to optimize your campaigns for maximum impact. The more time you spend working with this tool, the better you’ll become at utilizing it fully. 

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Oct 20, 2021
Nov 15, 2023
Vanessa John

As a content and technical writer, my goal is to help business owners and advertisers navigate the digital landscape.

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