The 19 Best Instagram Ads Examples in 2024 - Get Free Inspo

Oct 14, 2024
Oct 16, 2024
13 min
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Instagram ads examples

Check out great examples of Instagram ads in different formats and get expert tips on how to make your ads most effective. Learn the tricks and get inspired.

Instagram has the third-largest ad audience, with paid media placements on the platform reaching 1.68 billion users in July 2024. This astonishing reach makes the best advertising industry professionals use their magical powers to create the best Instagram ad examples.

Let's look at those examples so you can get inspiration and some great ideas for making your own Instagram ads. 

Instagram image ad examples

Since day one, images have been at the very foundation of Instagram. At the beginning of the platform, the content consisted of photos, so the first ads were naturally called Photo ads. Now called Image ads, they fit into the feed organically, offering a simple and effective way to showcase your product. These single-image advertisements appear in users' feeds, blending with organic posts.

1. New Balance and product picture

Instagram ads examples - New Balance

This is what comes to mind when you hear about Instagram image ads — a single photo of the product range. This ad is very straightforward with the presentation and provides a clear message: here’s a new collection: buy the one pair you like. Also, it plays to the public love of horoscopes, offering a Lunar New Year as an occasion for the collection release.

2. Madewell and summer

Instagram ads examples - Madewell

Here, the image is so vivid that the “SUMMER” in the text even seems redundant. There’s also a beautiful color scheme, making the white text pop. The picture doesn’t only present the product; the second layer is achieved by placing the product in a lifestyle setting.

Those jeans are made for strolling carelessly on the beautiful beach somewhere. The simple looks of this ad are deceiving: it hits the romance, sex appeal, and the Fear of Missing Out all at once. This ad can be found in the free Madgicx Ad Library, containing the best-performing ads of 2024. You can browse it with a free trial. 

3. Noom and food quiz

Instagram ads examples - Noom

There are quite a few reasons we gave this ad a second look. First, I’d never think of an onion in the context of a nutrition app ad. So, naturally, it grabs the attention.

Second, I’m invited to take a 5-minute quiz to find out what I need. I’ve spent years trying to understand what I need, so this promise of a simple resolution is intriguing. People love discovering what kind of vegetable or Euphoria character they are, so the quiz invitation acts like a hook and a CTA.

4. Nibble and fun graphics

Instagram ads examples - nibble

A vivid illustration of why the Photo ads are now called image ads. This ad looks slightly primitive, but it works. First, there’s a mention of a non-competing service with a similar target audience of self-improvement fans.

Second, it’s fun to associate yourself with a cute dinosaur who has almost no math anxiety. I didn’t even know there was such a thing, and now I feel I’ve been having it since I can remember.

5. Headway and a tricky image

Instagram ads examples - headway

I was so close to trying to move the slider! It felt like such a natural thing to do. This is a great example of the underrated possibilities of one single image. 

Here’s what you can do to make your image ads more effective:

  1. Include a clear and goal-specific call to action 
  2. Get creative with what you can put on the image to better express your brand message 

Instagram video ad examples

Want to tell your brand's story? Instagram video ads are your go-to. These ads can run up to 60 minutes in the feed and 120 seconds in stories - plenty of time to get creative! You've got options, too: in-feed videos, story videos, and those snappy Reels ads.

Those ads are perfect to watch on the go, so you must grab attention in the first few seconds. Here's a pro tip: videos autoplay without sound in the feed, so make sure your message comes across loud and clear, even on mute. In case your video doesn’t have the magnitude of a blockbuster or killer visuals, captions will help deliver the message. 

6. Dyslexia Scotland

INNOCEAN Berlin, the Eurobest festival winner in 2023, turned controversy over Comic Sans into a win for dyslexia inclusivity, and the festival made their case study into 2024 advertising of their cultural input.

The storytelling in this ad is great, and a slightly casual narration makes it very easy to watch despite the length. The only complicated part of this video ad would be the consistency with cuts: photos, design elements, screenshots, and interface mockups – all fall into place here. Also, it’s all for a good cause, and part of the story is actually dedicated to the practical use of the creative community on Instagram.

7. Jones Road and influencers

This makeup brand is advertising on Instagram like wild. They went with longer format videos of the founder and the influencers showing the effect of the product and explaining how much they love it. I’d love it too, possibly: one jar is around $40, and Carolyna22 is applying two shades in her story with such ease that it makes me doubt my priorities.

The extensive collaboration with all of the beautiful no-makeup-makeup influencers also allowed the brand to re-use the user-generated content in various formats, reels in this case. It seems like a really reasonable policy with good value for money.  

8. Thomann being funny

The almost-never-failing hook to use in the Instagram video ad is humor unless it’s offensive. The “almost” part is that whatever joke you make, there will always be this one user in the comment section saying they didn’t get it.

But we got you, Thomann — this ad is absurd and made good enough to go viral; maybe this is why there are 300,000+ views of it already. Note how, despite not too much dialog, the captions are provided. 

9. Team Tactics doing by the rules

In this video, you can see a clear narrative: the hook mimicking viral “bad boss” impersonation, then a solution to the bad management problem, and lastly, the social proof from the managers of leading companies. There are captions provided. Also, he is holding a banana.

Tips for creating effective video ads:

  1. Grab attention in the first 3 seconds 
  2. Design for sound-off viewing with captions or text overlays
  3. Go wild experimenting with different cuts and angles

Instagram also offers built-in tools like Boomerang and Hyperlapse so you can create engaging video content without ever leaving the app. So what if you don’t have extensive production resources? You can make fast and snappy videos your target audience will love.

Instagram carousel ad examples

Have you ever tried to tell a bigger story with your ads just to realize that one image or video won’t do the trick? That's where carousel ads come in handy. You can string together up to 10 images or videos, each with its unique link. It's perfect for showcasing multiple products and walking your audience through a process.

Each "slide" in your carousel gets its own headline, description, and call to action. This means you can get pretty creative with how you present your message. Your audience can swipe through and spend more time with your content than they would with a single image or video.

multi-advertiser ads

Also, you might want to check out “multi-advertiser” ads. These let your audience swipe through products from different vendors. 

10. Campsnapcamera and colors

This brand promotes cameras, digital by nature and analog by vibe. This product is made for people who like aesthetics and want to take pictures with an aesthetically looking camera.

Every version of this camera comes in a selection of colors so anyone can find the one that fits their style. Since it’s about the only truly unique quality of this camera, the brand is presenting the entire color range in this carousel ad. 

11. Polish magazine with beautiful creatives

These creatives are so fun to swipe through that I would have bought them to make a poster wall. Considering that the magazine originates from Eastern Europe and has a name that is inherently hard to pronounce, the brand made a joke about it and presented its main topics in pictures to prove everything, but the name is easy to read and comprehend. 

If you want to make your carousel ads shine, try these tips:

  1. Make your first image or video a real attention-grabber
  2. Tell a story that flows naturally from one card to the next
  3. Don't forget to include a call to action on each card

Instagram stories ad examples

Instagram stories ads appear between users' stories, offering a full-screen advertising experience and a pretty cool way to grab your audience's attention. You get to use all the fun stuff that makes regular stories engaging - think face filters, video effects, and eye-catching text. You've got 2 minutes for videos or 5-16 seconds for images to make your mark. 

What sets story ads apart is how interactive they can be. Want to know what your audience thinks? Toss in a poll. Curious about their preferences? Add a slider. You can even include questions to get direct feedback. It's like having a mini-conversation with your viewers!

With story ads, you're becoming part of your audience's daily Instagram experience, so they become a great brand recognition driver. 

12. Fabulous stories

As I wouldn’t be getting enough beating for my procrastination patterns, the Fabulous app is always there to remind me of my flaws while I’m enjoying glimpses of the happy lives my friends are living.

Those ads fit perfectly within the vibe of stories: they are short, intimate, and ask only for 3 minutes of my time to change my life forever. Music is calm, so there’s no unpleasant change within the swiping through. It’s not irritating, which is already an achievement for an ad.

13. Udemy with the course catalog

Instagram ads examples - Udemy

This Instagram stories ad offers a selection of courses, all with their own links. The thought behind the seemingly random choice of offered products is simple: it covers a wide range of human interests and hobbies. It’s so wide that any user like me can see at least one suggestion that is close to our interests and at least one outlandish one (I’m thinking of color theory). 

14. Headspace with ASMR

Taking things one step further on both non-irritating and intimate scales, Headspace has no music, only the heavy nose breathing and some colorful smiling circles.

The ad seems simple, but Headspace runs tons of ads on Meta, so they must have a good ROI. 

Want to make your story ads pop? Try these tips:

  1. Get people involved with polls or questions
  2. Make your branding recognizable and consistent
  3. If you've got over 10,000 followers, take advantage of that "swipe up" feature

Instagram collection ad examples

Collection ads turn your Instagram feed into a virtual storefront. These ads are like a mini-catalog in your hand, featuring a main video or image with three smaller product thumbnails below.

The shopping miracle happens when someone taps on your ad and is taken to what Instagram calls an Instant Experience. It's a full-screen landing page that loads right away without the user ever leaving the app. 

This format is a game changer for e-commerce. It makes it super easy for people to discover, browse, and buy your products, all from their phones. And you've got options, too - you can customize your ad with different templates depending on what you're after.

15. Ruby Jack and flawless aesthetics

Instagram ads examples - ruby jack

Note how the color scheme creates a warm ambiance around the jewelry. The consistent lighting and color give this ad a polished, elegant feel. Featuring nothing but a simple product demonstration, it remains visually appealing.

16. Barbora and value-first approach

Instagram ads examples - barbora jewllery

This ad presents a 50% discount right in the first image. Knowing there’s a generous offer, a potential buyer will browse the collection ad longer. This gives them a better chance of seeing and buying something they like.

It makes all the sense to advertise multiple items united by style: if you like one, you will probably buy something that matches. The grouping of the rings in the first photo makes separate items look like a part of the wholesome aesthetics. 

Here are some tips to make your Collection ads convert:

  1. Choose a main image or video that captures your brand
  2. Pick product thumbnails that complement the main image and show the variety
  3. Be crystal clear with your pricing and product details

Instagram Shoppable ad examples

Shoppable ads allow businesses and influencers to tag products in their posts and stories, making it easy for users to tap and purchase directly on Instagram. 

To get started with the shoppable ads, you need to set up a business account, an Instagram Shop, and use Instagram Checkout or link your Facebook catalog. Once you're all set, you can go wild tagging products - up to 5 in a single image or a whopping 20 in a carousel. That's a lot of shopping potential!

Shoppable ads come with a little shopping bag icon. It's like a code telling users, "Hey, you can buy this!" When someone taps on a product tag, they'll see all the juicy details, including the price. And if they like what they see, they can head straight to checkout. 

17. IAMSHOP for the lazy

Instagram ads examples - IAMSHOP

From this ad, you can buy the full outfit without giving it much thought. Additional creative points for the way the clothes are laid out: note the outline on the white backdrop; it adds contrast and emphasizes the image without looking tacky.

18. Allikestore and youthful fashion

Instagram ads examples - Allikestore

As this store caters to the younger audience (or the older audience trying to pass for a younger audience), the clothes seem to be carefully laid out for you to wear by a caring mother.

Again, you can pick an item you like and follow the link or collect the full outfit carefully curated by someone in the fashion industry. Since we skim the visual messages from the top left corner towards the bottom and right, the most expensive item is placed in the corner where our eyes are drawn. 

Want to make your Shoppable ads irresistible? Try these tips:

  1. Use images that make your products shine
  2. Show your products in action with lifestyle shots
  3. Keep your product catalog up to date

Instagram Explore ad example

These ads appear in the Explore tab, where users discover new content according to their interests. Unlike feed or story ads, explore ads don't appear immediately when users open the Explore tab. Instead, they show up only after a user taps on a photo or video from Explore and begins scrolling through that discovery feed. 

Explore ads can be in various formats, including image, video, and carousel. Explore home ads are placed on the main page of the Explore tab.

19. Chentomology Explore ad

Instagram ads examples - Chentomology Explore ad 1
Instagram ads examples - Chentomology Explore ad 2

When you have fun and attractive products to promote, explore ads are working great. This example of a shop ad is displayed within the grid of organic posts under the Explore tab. The tiny crab creatures look handmade, which they are. The fact you can buy them and other things in a similar style in a small shop so cute means you might buy more than one.

How to create the best Instagram ad examples

There are a few things you must do when planning your Instagram advertising, whatever the format and placement you’re going for. When creating ads, best practices include:

  • Making sure photos and videos are of proper sizes and specs
  • Gently pushing your target audience in the right direction with CTAs
  • Telling the story of your product 
  • Looking at other ads in the Madgicx Ad Library and trying to find what makes them work.

Find ideas for your future ads with our Creative Workflow and the cool AI Ad Generator we've got. With it, you can do so many things within the ad production cycle. First, you can browse our Ad Library for ideas. We've added AI search to help you find just the right examples quickly. You can then create ads with AI and base them on your favorite ad examples. Experiment with your images, or just type in the prompt.


Once you are close to the desired result, you've got options. If you like how your ads look, you can launch them from Madgicx. Know what you want but need a few tweaks? Brief your design team right within our platform. Don't have a design team but still need those tweaks? Our designers can polish up your ads and get them back to you in 48 hours.

Get inspired and start making your very own Instagram ads that spark a conversation, drive conversions, and make your brand shine. Try it for FREE NOW!

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Create scroll-stopping Instagram ads with the Madgicx AI Creative Workflow. Browse our Ad Library for inspiration and generate ads with AI. Share them with your design team, launch them directly, or let our digital artists polish them for you if you need. It's like having a creative genius, an AI assistant, and a design team all in one!

Oct 14, 2024
Oct 16, 2024
Xenia Sverku

Xenia is an old-school marketer who adores disruptive messages and Rory Sutherland. Intrigued by the ideas of evolution and inevitable singularity, Xenia likes to sprinkle some history on top of her posts. When she’s not writing, she reads whatever she can find, including paperback novels, coupons and candy wrappers.

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