Venture Suite

Using Madgicx to accelerate growth, this marketing agency can now add $1-3M per month to their clients' revenues in less than 6 months.

287% Monthly Ad Spend
262% Website Leads
244% Sales

“If you're trying to win in the game of ads, speed is your most important metric: How quickly can you test? How quickly can you identify problems? And how quickly can you solve those problems? Madgicx has helped us do those a lot faster.

So, if you're looking to try Madgicx, you should definitely do it and see how you can speed up your processes to make decisions more quickly."

Shawn Henry
CEO of Venture Suite
Their Story

Helping brands go unicorn

Venture Suite is a digital marketing agency that offers ready-to-go tactics and infrastructure to businesses, aiming to add $3M to their monthly revenues within 6 months or less.

Their Goal

Speed up their advertising processes

Shawn, Venture Suite’s CEO, believes that efficiency is key to achieving significant growth in 6 months or less. So, he wanted to use Madgicx to automate their ad strategies and take the time-consuming tasks off their plate.

Their Solution

Game-changing efficiency tools

Venture Suite's team started off with Madgicx’s Ads Manager 2.0 - a dashboard where they can see all their clients’ data, conveniently sorted and filtered to easily understand campaign and ad set performance.

This allowed Venture Suite's team to make data-driven decisions much more efficiently than before. Moreover, with this tool, they could immediately act upon their insights and optimize ad set and campaign budgets without having to switch to Facebook Ads Manager.

Another crucial tool for them was Madgicx's Audience Launcher, which allowed the team to quickly launch multiple audience testing campaigns for their clients in just a few clicks and find the most profitable ones faster, saving them hours of work.

Before, the agency also had to hire a lot of media buyers to manage the campaigns they were running. But since they started using Madigcx's automation, they've been able to automate and speed up their processes without relying on significant manpower.

These tools have not only saved Venture Suite time and resources but also helped the agency scale their clients' ad accounts at a much faster rate.

Their Success

Just getting started

Even with just 3 tools, Venture Suite has already streamlined a lot of their advertising processes, helping them save resources and achieve results faster than many performance marketing agencies.

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